The government should spend its money on habitat restoration not on stocking. If the waters were healthy and appropriate laws were enforced there would be no need to stock these zoo animal like trout. Any angler that has any sense knows that wild fish are more fun to catch. I understand that keeping the put and take crowd out of the wild streams leave more of the places I enjoy devoid of the trash leaving folks but really what should the government do? I say it should protect and improve our natural resources not make things worse. Two wrongs do not make a right.
When it comes to the buffalo I don’t know enough to make an informed decision. I know I like eating them. I also know that I would feel better knowing that they could range free as they used to before we destroyed them as an act of war.
I think the supremacy clause will win out here. Can a state defy the federal government? The answer is no. You know the whole Civil War thing settled that. Can a State governor defy a federal regulatory agency? let's see what happens. Either way I hope those trout eggs don’t make it to their destination
Read this and other stories. I welcome comments and other points of view. Maybe I don’t have all the facts here. What do you think?
Mont. blocks out-of-state trout egg shipments
Governor spars with feds over wildlife shipments